To imagine, lives parallel for a while,
diverging without distraction.
It is imminent.
sins in shades of green seek me.
I bear them another color.
Sins in shades of black keep me near.
remembrance is my wont.
Smiles and blue eyes.
It is exigent.
pills to dry my leaks will remedy.
Grass is green where you want it to be.
Nature inside us always prevails
Happy with a secret.
One heart on one mind.
Why is it impossible to forget?
"each prayer accepted and each wish resigned"
Listen: Bon Iver - Skinny Love I like this album's bio.
Ottawa Regional Hospital
I cannot reveal too much from this meeting, since the design process in a firm is somewhat confidential. BUT, I've made a couple general observations that fascinate me about the construction process. We have designed a parking deck beneath an exting parking lot. We must avoid and preserve existing columns for an entrance canopy. This requires much coordination to keep the hospital functional, while at the same time progressing on the deconstruction/construction of the building and its corresponding parking. At the meeting, I observed how the CM (construction manager) assesed the plans and responded to every detail. Amazing how people coordinate ideas with actions.
It is important to earn the complete set of drawings presented to a client to be able to navigate through the pages. Clients must be given many options and visuals to comprehend the design intent. That is why a set of construction drawings have many details expanding each element.
Ideas/Drawings/Concepts/Measurement come first. I doodle them in corners of conversations. I record on scraps. I plan to act upon them. Pen and paper is a blessing to me. I cannot imagine life without them. I cannot imagine life without the use of my hands to materialize the ideas from the ink. It is the most satisfying feeling to see the scribbled lines and scattered verbal expressions transform into a substance. The building process. Creating only by observing ways in which these elements were combined---and combine them in a different form. The Creator is the only original. We only progress because we use the steps of the scientific method in everything we do.
The visual patterns of archtiecture intrigue me the most. I almost always have scatterED nerves in my stomach and an anxious choke in my chest when I think about designing a building that syncs with function, nature, aesthetics, technology, innovation, sustainability. And then to detail how all these compliment each other. Down to the detail of each material being held together. These are the things I have looked at all my life. My curiosity pushes me to understand that I may duplicate anything I see - and try to improve it. --I'm starting with furniture :).
7 Behold, you have not understood; you have supposed that I would give it unto you, when you took no thought save it was to ask me.
Ottawa Regional Hospital
I cannot reveal too much from this meeting, since the design process in a firm is somewhat confidential. BUT, I've made a couple general observations that fascinate me about the construction process. We have designed a parking deck beneath an exting parking lot. We must avoid and preserve existing columns for an entrance canopy. This requires much coordination to keep the hospital functional, while at the same time progressing on the deconstruction/construction of the building and its corresponding parking. At the meeting, I observed how the CM (construction manager) assesed the plans and responded to every detail. Amazing how people coordinate ideas with actions.
It is important to earn the complete set of drawings presented to a client to be able to navigate through the pages. Clients must be given many options and visuals to comprehend the design intent. That is why a set of construction drawings have many details expanding each element.
Ideas/Drawings/Concepts/Measurement come first. I doodle them in corners of conversations. I record on scraps. I plan to act upon them. Pen and paper is a blessing to me. I cannot imagine life without them. I cannot imagine life without the use of my hands to materialize the ideas from the ink. It is the most satisfying feeling to see the scribbled lines and scattered verbal expressions transform into a substance. The building process. Creating only by observing ways in which these elements were combined---and combine them in a different form. The Creator is the only original. We only progress because we use the steps of the scientific method in everything we do.
The visual patterns of archtiecture intrigue me the most. I almost always have scatterED nerves in my stomach and an anxious choke in my chest when I think about designing a building that syncs with function, nature, aesthetics, technology, innovation, sustainability. And then to detail how all these compliment each other. Down to the detail of each material being held together. These are the things I have looked at all my life. My curiosity pushes me to understand that I may duplicate anything I see - and try to improve it. --I'm starting with furniture :).
7 Behold, you have not understood; you have supposed that I would give it unto you, when you took no thought save it was to ask me.