20 May 2011


Graduation has past, and so has job searching. What is next? What haunts my mind each day at work is the small increment I will make will gradually pay off my loans, how many more hours I have to complete my license, how many appointments I can make now that I have insurance, and how many minutes I have left until I can be released so that I may trot the 5 blocks home. My obsession with these numbers keeps me from having a genuine moment without thought. I still seem to be the cheeriest person of the office, and I am surprised at how much information I've retained, yet am learning at a significant pace. However, I'm afraid that my ambition exceeds the hours in a day and I wish to accomplish the priority as well as the pleasure markings on my list. In conclusion, a 18-hour day and a 6-hour nap.

I'm starting to feel the confinement of the city. I've extended my spirit to a hike last friday evening, yet I only crept to the edge of the wilderness. I need to set my being into the wind and venture on. As the country girl I once was, it's beside my nature to be confined to a downtown mortuary with no windows. To think I owned and often visited my canoe. I miss that small adventure. The float. I am in need once again to have some lone moments and indulge in a lyrical mess.