My apartment has become an atelier, projects strewn throughout. It is nice having space for that reason. I have been working on Christmas presents, but am afraid that my priorities have been reset to applying for a Master's program. I will be sure to continue them after the 15th!
Kitty Fane: [about Wan Xi] I had no idea you had so much affection for her. Waddington: What makes you think I do? Kitty Fane: I can see it in your eyes. I wonder what she sees in you. Waddington: [In Chinese] What do you see in me? Wan Xi: [to Waddington] You're a good man. Waddington: She says I'm a good man. Kitty Fane: As if a woman has ever loved a man for his virtue.
These lines in the movie were moving to me. It's been years since I've had my eyes set on the unjustified virtue that I seek. I've made my list, and have checked it thrice.
A thief with wings took me away.
But it was really time that was stolen.
Each time I closed my eyes since then
I find my world dark,
looking through the branches to the stars.
How momentary...insignificant...unrevealing it was.
I get chilled to recall my body in that space.
Floating with and falling without.
Still, I extract grey eyes of candour and peace.
And press onward one morrow after another.
My trip to Austin remedied my cabin fever. The weather was warm and sun blinding. I endured relaxation and laziness as a gift. I learned what greasy pig night was and became a connoisseur of root beers. I had the dominant, strong, Dimick women open up to me as a fellow sister. I found that I have a will always have a special love for each of the Dimicks, wherever life takes me. Most of what I've learned is that I must be dominant, not over anything but my own thoughts. Life will press onward and I will go with it.
But it was really time that was stolen.
Each time I closed my eyes since then
I find my world dark,
looking through the branches to the stars.
How momentary...insignificant...unrevealing it was.
I get chilled to recall my body in that space.
Floating with and falling without.
Still, I extract grey eyes of candour and peace.
And press onward one morrow after another.
-my attempts.