07 March 2009


A cold heart will burst
if mistrusted first.
A calm heart will break
If given a shake

01 March 2009


Movie: "Life isn't just about death. It's about the living." -My Girl

Future Purchase: Chevy Volt on a Series Hybrid

Spiritual Thought:
Life is more than death. Life is mortality. It is a chosen state to which we all came into: to live a life of choice and enduring to live God's will. We are here to be tested upon our responses to our trials and blessings. We will be judged according to how much faith we show in our actions to better ourselves, and the selflessness we portray through the process. We will return again to the presence of our God, and take the experiences with us to continue serving his kingdom of glory.

That I will have twins. Supposedly it's our generation to have one, and my cousins haven't popped out any yet so.....maybe grandma saved those genes for me. Kind of a silly request, I know ;)

Ice Cream:Ben and Jerry's Fish Food

Provident Living:
AIA YAF Publication design editor
Designing Bamboo Furniture for the Solar Decathalon 2009 (Actually will be built)
LEED Accreditation Exam
Knitting my first blanket
Phone Calls (this one never sounds like a challenge, but it really is difficult to keep up important relationships without them! And so hard for me to talk on the phone!)
Trying to learn some piano..
Eating Healthy
Training for Half Marathon!
Keeping my Budget
and much more mental improvements....

I never get answers during the act of praying. I sometimes get direct council from reading scriptures, and the other portion of times am just reading to use what I learn to apply to other situations. I often receive answers by living out my life. By serving others, making educated decisions, counseling with others, and forward motion.

Jaime Dewaele
Thanks for grocery shopping and visiting me!


you should see the stereogum.com mp3 player here if you have flash