Sailing this weekend. There will always be something captivating about the texture the wind places on the sail. The out-of-control anxiety you feel when the wind changes direction and the jib sways closely overhead. Then, a brisk moment of relaxation based upon complete satisfaction. We all felt it. And then, when you feel comfortable again, you realize you aren't moving. Nothing catches. It's just one substance of matter reacting with another. Symbiosis is but a fleeting tease.
I wouldn't know what to do without it (secretly). And somehow, I'm excited to thrive on something that life throws at me so often.
Oh yes, and this: Ever noticed how nicely the 2 checker pieces fit so nicely together with their alternating grooves? Yep. Spooning could be closely related. ...and that awkwardly reminds me of how much fun it is to have a roommate again! A present body to accompany, new and inspired conversation, accountability, and finally, my fridge is full.