24 November 2008


I was baptized on Saturday into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! woohoo! I have a 12 page journal entry that I will be ever-so-willing to share with you if you want a detailed, thought break-down of the event! It was so amazing that I wish I could do it everyday! Obvious reasons object this idea, but I just wanted to expound upon how glorious it was. AND how peaceful and certain I feel about this decision. I will not be proven wrong that it will be difficult, but rather than endure to the end, I must rejoice to the end!

These two scriptures, parallel in understanding, have been the most helpful when I get overwhelmed with little things! Feel free to refer to them in your times of struggle!
Matthew 6:34 (NIV)
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

3Nephi 13:37
Take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient the day unto the evil thereof.

The more resources we have, the more we get used to them. If we did not know any better, or learned to make ends meet, we would be more resourceful with what we do have. Could we return to the days of campfires and tents? No air conditioning? Our bodies would surely adapt. or die. How about no fuel? Would people still be happy? I say that we could. A little simplifying and "cleansing" of the world has to happen every once in a while. This is what I think is happening to our markets. Naturally, since everyone knows the market is going down, it will continue to do so. People will hold tight to there money and not be avid consumers. Therefore, it can only go up if we keep consuming. Certainly not everyone will start consuming at the same rate, and those who are faithful to helping the economy by buying products, will be broke. As for the cleansing, some times it is good to refocus our consummation. I find this true with the big 3 auto companies---sometimes it is good to clean out the moral standards of the company too. If they do recieve the bailout, then we know for certain that financially, they will be monitored by the rest of the country. I am not disregarding that this will not be devastating for people losing their jobs-, but at a global standpoint, it may eliminate corruption in the field, and return us to reasonable spending.

Anyways....random thoughts forced at the end of the work day :)

I am off to stay with my cousins to help with Thanksgiving dinner! I can't wait!

Happy Turkey Day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ummm...are the title and the picture correlated? :)